OK, so I haven't updated the blog for about 6 weeks! Bad girl!
Still, I thought I would write a very quick post to say there will be some updates coming soon.
Late May/June turned out to be SUPER busy. We were digging, planting, weeding, watering and improving the soil like crazy as well as dealing with our mouse infestation (which has involved having a foundation put in for our existing porch, some replumbing/moving the water heater and moving our electricity line ), working on various permits for the cottage, having a big party for Duncan's 40th, substantially updating my Coaching Tools website as well as getting involved in having the coaching tools translated into Spanish (which has turned into a much bigger job than I expected – who knew!), finishing our bedroom (painting, wallpapering and putting in flooring before Duncan's mom arrives on Friday) AND we took a long weekend to Whistler (with Dexter!) where I spoke at the everyWoman conference.
Phew! Oh, and I also started a writing group and have been working on getting RebelWomenCafe off the ground (hopefully later this year). So, THAT's my excuse. Plus I got caught up in writing articles (find some of them on Ezine Articles here), learning about internet and social marketing – and seemed to have lost myself in the process.
Phew again. I have a new plan/timetable for my working day – which seems to be working so far. So I hope to be (myself and) back on top of things soon.
I'll leave you with two very different pieces of 'art'.
1) Thanks Christina! Spot Dexter and I on the poster designed by Christina for the Islands Trust (visit Christina's website here).
2) I'm not sure I'd recommend zooming in, but some 40th Birthday party antics:
Enjoy and catch up soon!