(ok so this is the first in a series of time travel posts where I go back in time and catch up on the blogging from the past 12 months….) So if you want to build a guest cottage there are a few things that you need to do. First of all you need a…
Author: Duncan Elsey
July 2009 – Bees in my pants…
OK. So it was just one bee. And it was in my trousers not my pants (pants in England would be my knickers or as Canadians call them panties). Anyway, enough about underwear. And sorry, I don't have a photo of this. And thankfully I was not wearing a thong/g-string that morning or my mother-in-law…
July 2009 – Our 10(0) mile diet…
We enjoyed a fabulous roast dinner recently. Our very own 10(0) mile diet – and our own seasonings too – rosemary, thyme, garlic and mint sauce.
July 2009 – Food List – Anyone need a pea?
Steps Towards Self-Suffiency… We've just finished watching that "The Good Life", a 1970's series about self-sufficiency in Surbiton, London. Just as many of the (literal) fruits of our labours seemed to present themselves for eating. So, if you're curious what has kept us so busy here is an alphabetical list of our food growing and status! And although…
Bad Girl!
OK, so I haven't updated the blog for about 6 weeks! Bad girl! Still, I thought I would write a very quick post to say there will be some updates coming soon. Late May/June turned out to be SUPER busy. We were digging, planting, weeding, watering and improving the soil like crazy as well as…