Sorry there haven't been any updates for a while. After a few issues over at our rental property, we decided that we are going to sell it. Its just too much work on top of everything we have going on at our own place, and we want to focus on getting our place just how we want it, and on our businesses and other passions.
Ironically right now we are even less focused on those things because we are at the rental every day getting it into shape. Nothing major, but a long list of small jobs that are outstanding. Anyway its on the market on Monday, so that's a kinda hard deadline and then we can get back to things at home.
So here is a super quick update of what is going on:
- Hummingbirds are back
- Lots of owl activity even during the day as they raise their young
- Beginning to see more bees which is good news for pollinating the fruit trees
- Its been a really cold late spring…
- … so we have a very small patch of salad greens under a cold frame…
- … and some very small 'early' tomato starts
- We have turned over lots of ground, so hopefully the weather and our workload will still make for a bountiful year
- We have no kitchen in our house (and no the Trust didn't make me take it out – its a temporary situation)
- We have people coming to stay in our cottage in late may
- We are going to be busy for a little while yet (so what else is new)!!!
Please bear with us – normal service will be resumed…